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Edit_03 Thursday, May 22
Color Correction, Tuesday, June 01
Audio Mix, Tuesday, June 04
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It was great to meet and speak with you and Corinne last week about Sample’s upcoming video needs.
As discussed, the best way to ensure impactful videos is to first follow a Roadmap to discover the ideal strategy and concept (similar to Sample’s Blueprint phase, though less intricate).
We would have a senior creative director and an adaptation strategist work with insights they unearth to finalize the most impactful concepts and strategies for the videos to follow.
This would then empower the scripts and storyboards that flow from those concepts and strategies to have maximum impact.
Once finalized and approved by you and your team, they would also allow for truly accurate budgeting for the creation of the videos you need. Our process involves utilizing the latest sharing technology to make sure you are as involved and included as you need to be. While also laying out all potential scenarios in advance, so that when we come to the day of the shoot, we have anticipated as much as possible, and you can be confident you will get what you need – and more.
Along the way, our visual story-telling will help transform Sample’s offering from a one-dimensional commodity in the minds of your target audiences into a three-dimensional solution that they can connect with, that they can imagine using, that they may find to be something they can’t live without. Your Otherland videos will make your business unforgettable.
Sample Process
The Sample Creative Development Strategy has been very helpful in understanding the product and brand. Through this understanding and insight, we’ll define opportunities that will shape the visual and narrative content your story.
Concept week 1
The concept begins to take shape as visuals and ideas take shape to define the personality of the story and support the brand. Scripts and storyboards are meticulously crafted and improved as the framework for production. There are 2 scheduled rounds of script review.
Pre-Production week 2-3
Casting, location and wardrobe are selected from multiple options. Review and collaborate on talent, wardrobe, props and schedule, all in one place with the online production page.
Production week 3
All the preparation comes together on the day of the shoot with talent, crew, locations equipment and decades of experience.
Post-Production week 4-5
Once the footage has been captured, the project moves into post-production Including editing, music, VO color grading and Mix. There are 3 scheduled rounds of review for post production.
Leverage the carefully crafted Sample resources created for your project with alternate content and language localization. Create libraries of video and still media with a similar look and feel to leverage in parallel or future projects extending across a wide range of media channels. (this option would be +10K)
Below is the budget we’ve estimated based on the scope of services outlined earlier in this proposal. If you have any questions about our pricing or need to increase or decrease the scope of work, please leave a comment and let us know.
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